
About, Beginnings and Zero THC CBD

I was in a car accident in October 2015, which affected me tremendously. Months of treatments, physio, prescription drugs(including nabilone), pain, anxiety, severe muscle cramps, injections, drive testing at least 6 different CBD and THC providers (from January 2019). 

Not only did all this affect me, but it did also affect people surrounding me, who I was/am in contact with. 

And it was not until I came across Zero THC CBD by Long Live The Hemp, called Dutch Nutrient, that I first time had a good sleep a few days in a row. It is not just any CBD, but nano sized, or nanoized CBD, which is 20X more bioavailable to you than any of the oils that you can find anywhere around and …  Why, you ask, well … simply because it is nano particles, It is Not Nano Enhanced! As some providers claim, but real Nano-sized CBD. It Is NANO CBD with Zero THC. What it means is you Can drive, you Can operate machinery, you Can do whatever you wish without ever feeling any buzz and, … rip 20x the benefits of any other brand of oil. All this thanks to the science based research and manufacturing processes of LLTH. Grown in Colorado.

Because regular CBD oil, no matter what they claim, you can maximum absorb 5-15% – just think about it. And ladies typically absorb more than males. That is just the way it is guys. Nano-sized CBD is here to disrupt the industry and solve this problem. I bet most of you did not even know that 85-95% of CBD oil goes to waste 

Now, with nano-sized CBD, you can be assured you actually absorb almost a lot more and, not 90 minutes, not even 30 minutes later, but within a few minutes of ingestion. How about that for starters. And you need less of this product. You will feel its effects almost immediately( the warmth under your tongue) and the main reason is the size of the CBD particles: 10-25 Nm

How much does your garden-variety CBD oil actually get absorbed by your body? HOW much more benefits could you get out of CBD by taking nanoized oil?

My personal experience: it would take me 1.5 hours at least to feel the effects of ‘cbd’ from licensed producers( as i mentioned i did try 6 different ones). That is after taking 1ml+. 

And even with THC amount as low as 0.87-2.82 mg/ml I would still feel IT. The last CBD product I tried had 2.82mg/ml : 92.59mg/ml ratio and and it still did make me feel on the heavy side of things. Someone else may get this reaction within 30 minutes. But I Want To Have Clarity. 

Some of the side effects of this CBD in my case are: 

  1. It curbs my appetite. As some of you may know THCs are known to promote appetite.

      2. Removes tensions, makes me feel relaxed.

      3. Reduce blood pressure. I am on high blood pressure medication still, and cholesterol as well. All that after car accident.

      4. Noticeable improvements in focus.

      5. More sound sleep and more…

Obviously, everybody’s different. Let’s put it this way: when I started my journey on this Dutch Nutrient liquid hemp extract, for the first few days, I didn’t really feel anything … and then, on the second or third day, I had a great sleep, and the next day and the next …

In the past with all the drugs prescribed I would still wake up 4, 5, 6 am, well before the alarm, and then during the day I’d be like a dead fly – I needed a nap. I was offered to vape dry flower, but I don’t smoke, just to set things straight.

I wish Francine, my wife, would have had access to CBD and/or THC/CBD. We lost her way too early due to rare bile duct cancer (CholangioCarcinoma – CC) in 2013.  

A few months ago, X-ray showed the signs of osteoarthritis in my hips. And whether it was accelerated by the car accident or not, I don’t know. The battle is on, and my CBD is the go-to at this point. I realize it is a long term strategy. The goal is to get rid of it. Let’s do it together.

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