As you may remember from previous post about my 2015 car accident and after almost a year of trying close to 11 different producers CBD oils with as little THC as possible. The downside I found in my case, it would take almost 90 minutes to feel any effects from them, despite the claims. Some people may experience it faster, some not.
From my conversations with users I heard some may get the effect as fast as 30 minutes. And usually it is the psychoactive part experience more so. But if I am looking for something that is still be fully alert, have the use of my faculties and still being present. That is what I was looking for. Plus the action time. The technology is out there, and I was not going to give up.
And yes, I tried nanoenhanced, to my surprise I didn’t find much difference. It’s improved overall, but nowhere near what I expected. And on to my newly found go-to brand Long Live The Hemp.
The other day I was having a bad headache due to weather changes, happens sometimes, so the doctors say, and I wanted to give nano CBD a try. Early morning, I took 1 ml of 6000mg Dutch Nutrient, and within half an hour the headache was gone. This oil has 200mg of CBD per 1 ml. Comes in 10 ml or 0.33 oz, or 30 ml – 1 oz. You can also combine it with pure hemp seed oil for added benefits of Omegas. Well I just eat fish. And yeahs, I can eat fish almost any time of the day. I grew up by the ocean, so … you know what I mean 😉. Apparently tho I heard that oil helps the delivery when applied on skin. Again, when I find out more I will post it here. For now I stick with CBD without hemp seed oil added. It’s an awesome tasty oil I tell you that.
As a reminder, I came across nano CBD couple months ago and have been using Long Live The Hemp exclusively since. So this and most future posts will deal with my experiences of this brand.
So far to date I can say definitely about benefits I personally had from it:
- Better sleep
- 2-5 minutes effects, yeahs, you heard that right
- Curbs appetite
- Eliminate headache
- Focus improvement
- No buzz at all
- Water soluble, so can be used in the drinks of your choice, or I simply add it to the water sometimes… It has a great taste!😊
Stay tooned for more updates as they come in.
As of this writing, I am in full support of Dutch Nutrient by Long Live The Hemp, and offer a 5% discount coupon for you to try it.
Enter coupon code F4U5ALL on the checkout, and receive 5% additional discount.
While it is a premium product it is however is cheaper than any other brand I have tried if you take into consideration dollar for dollar Dutch Nutrient cost 30-40% less per mg of CBD. As mentioned I have tried 11 products by 6+ brands since January 2019, and have to say, I would recommend it to anyone looking for zero THC water soluble fast acting CBD. And all those products don’t even come close to LLTH cbd. You owe it to yourself to test it and rip the benefits of organic hemp oil extract. Pure nano-sized CBD – that’s what makes it fast acting.
Long Live The Hemp!
Freshly baked from the desktop of my Note10+ while on the road (✷‿✷)(。♡‿♡。)(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

Alex is The Gluten Free Guy — “Marketer By Day, Baker By Night!” Gluten-free’s been his way of life since 2006.