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In order to make CBD oil legal in all states there is a lot of work that would need to be done. And we partnered with one such company to bring you the premium product.
Aside from hemp oil and medicinal marijuana, CBD oil is also gaining a lot of popularity lately. As more research is being done, the more is uncovered in relation to how CBD can be used medicinally.
CBD oil is a natural essential oil which is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the Cannabis sativa L. plant. You can get the same effect from consuming the CBD from the cannabis plant, specifically, the non-psychoactive strain of cannabis: industrial hemp, a.k.a. just hemp. The range of beneficial effects of cannabidiol and, consequently, the oil enriched with it, is great. Even if your full spectrum CBD oil is derived from hemp, it is not THC-free. Did you know THCs content will increase as the temperatures rise during growing season?
Carrier oil is a base oil used with essential oil or plant matter to help the body absorb the substance. Not only is CBD helpful, but combined with all of the other cannabinoids and terpenes, there are multiple benefits received by the human body. CBD Isolate is purified cannabidiol, which is extracted from the cannabis plant and isolated from the other 85 cannabinoids.
What’s the difference between CBD with THC and Zero-THC CBD?
The rise in popularity of CBD is staggering – but there is still some confusion about what CBD is and how it affects the human body. In particular, this confusion arises from the variety of vastly different CBD oil products saturating the market.
Allow me to clear up the confusion.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive substance that makes you “get high” when consuming marijuana products.
Broadly speaking, there are 2 main categories of CBD oils:
- CBD with THC
- Zero-THC CBD.
CBD with zero THC has no harmful side effects. It can be safely applied when working, driving, or being involved in physical activity. Each aspect of your operation should be examined to determine if, or where, additional precautions may be necessary. No products produced, manufactured, marketed, or distributed are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
You, however have to be aware of the effects of even the slightest amount of THC in the CBD oil. Despite its longer onset (0.5 – 1.5 hours), the effects are also longer than, say, with vaping it. Which, in turn, may affect your judgement, especially while operating heavy machinery – driving a car for example.
Many companies will put CBD products on the market and make serious health claims about their product. When buying a CBD product for yourself or your pet, always go for quality, which may mean spending a bit more. The higher the quality an oil is, the better, and sticking with a high quality item is always better than opting for a tincture of lower quality. Whether you are looking to improve the overall quality of your life, or you are looking for answers to your health concerns, CBD may come in handy.
And we are proud to present to you first of its kind Water soluble ZERO THC CBD extract ( it is not oil), that has 20 times better bioavailability, real nanoized (nano sized) CBD for superior blood brain barrier (BBB) permeation.
Which can not be done with regular, nano-enhanced or liposomal CBDs. All those particle sizes are too big to pass the blood-brain barrier.
Just imagine – Liposome size is 200 nm, and requires refrigeration.
Micelle is 100 nm in size, also needs refrigeration.
What we offer is 15 nm in size – and no refrigeration needed.
The best part is the company offers it at better prices than competition products that are nano enhanced, not nanoized.
The big difference is that Long Live The Hemp:
- Is Nano (Not nano enhanced),
- is ZERO THC (no psychoactive effects),
- is Water Soluble (can be added to your beverage),
- AND, because it is ZERO THC it is LEGAL in all 50 States.
And it is coming from a global, science-led bio-nutraceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development, and providing value to the patients with premium Nanosized plant-based compounds in Full Spectrum Distillate and Isolate forms.
How to Tell True Nano-Sized CBD
Demonstrating the 100% Water-Solubility of LONG LIVE THE HEMP.
When LONG LIVE THE HEMP is dropped in water, the water is clear. This proves the hemp extract is nano-sized. If a CBD in water appears CLOUDY or MILKY WHITE, the CBD DOES NOT FULLY DISSOLVE, and it will take hours to have an effect — 1 1/2 to 2 hours in my case.
In Long Live The Hemp, the nano-sized particles can be absorbed by your body within 5-10 minutes. That’s almost instant compared to conventional CBD oil!
Patients with chronic pain caused by arthritis, cancer, MS, HIV, and other diseases have turned to medical marijuana as a way to treat their pain without the use of addictive and devastating side effects prescription drugs. Again this is why we believe that an All-Natural Health Benefits of CBD and the use of CBD for Pain Relief is the best method.
All that’s left for you is to choose the right CBD – the one that is engineered by experts in their fields to make the best positive impact on your health … no hidden catches.
Long live Zero THC CBD!
Where to Find Zero-THC CBD (EXCLUSIVE Discount)
Never have you been able to better embrace the benefits of CBD than you can with Long Live The Hemp. We’ve partnered with the manufacturer to add an EXCLUSIVE Bonus Discount to your order – just for our readers.
Discover for yourself what TRUE all-natural oils do for you – at a BETTER price than Anywhere!
To claim your discount:
- Click Here to shop
- Simply use this coupon code at checkout => F4U5ALL

Alex is The Gluten Free Guy — “Marketer By Day, Baker By Night!” Gluten-free’s been his way of life since 2006.